Load data for powder "Lovex D100"
Find load data for Lovex D100 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". More about this powder:
Medium-slow burning, high density, double base, ball propellant most suitable for .50 Browning cartridge
Relative Burn Rate: | 0 (0 ... slow| 10 ... fast) |
Weapon Use: | Büchse |
Density: | 98.01 lb/ft3 | 1570 kg/m3 |
Bulk density: | 61.80 lb/ft3 | 990 kg/m3 |

Lovex is a reloading powder brand of Explosia S.A., a traditional and important Czech producer of blasting explosives. The history of the company goes back to 1920 when the company Czechoslovak Joint-stock Factory for Explosive Materials was founded in Semtín near Pardubice. The company is 100% state-owned, with a significant position on the market of industrial explosives, not only within the Czech Republic and European Union, but also all over the world. Apart from the production of blasting explosives and ammunition, Rxplosia also provide their own comprehensive range of services for drilling and blasting works, especially for opencast mining and quarrying.